Part 1 of our 2 part series; explore what to do before you begin coding your AWS serverless Lambda application. These steps will help you to be more efficient and avoid frustration.
New to AWS Lambda development? Our two part series will help take the frustration and hassles out of development and help to make you a more productive and efficient developer.
What does a decision to fly to both DevOpsDays Denver and Seattle have in common with serverless? Let's recap our talk at those conferences where we discuss accidents, cost, and opportunity when traveling or going serverless.
Announcing our AWS serverless training and workshop services. Interested in learning this new style of cloud architecture? Leveling up your team's skills? Or even a product company developing brand awareness and sales engineering? Come talk to us!
We teamed up with Signal Sciences to present "Serverless Security and Winning the DevSecOps Game". Have a recap of our Tom McLaughlin and James Wickett of Signal Sciences as discuss serverless security.
The general availability status of AWS Serverless Application Repository (SAR) represents a milestone for serverless, and signals the coming of nanoservices for composing serverless applications.
Serverless, DevOps, barbecue, and Dr Pepper. We went to the Agile Austin meetup to spread the word on where we see operations going in a serverless world.
Tom McLaughlin recently appeared on the Venturi's Voice podcast to discuss DevOps, career, serverless, and what we're doing at ServerlessOps. Have a listen!
As serverless grows in adoption what will serverless operations be and what will it fold for Operations or DevOps engineer? What do we do when the server goes away?